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Underwriting Opportunities

Our annual membership directory is a valuable and often used resource for our 50 plus members of the Houston Chapter. How would you like to be able to advertise among our fine group of culinary women? In order to defray increased chapter operating costs and to make our meetings and group even more dynamic, we have created an underwriting opportunity for any of our entrepreneurs. There are four levels of opportunity.



  • A table at one of our meetings where you can display and hand out literature (excludes fundraisers).*

  • A color, full page ad in our 2016-2017 Houston Chapter Directory with your company name/logo/art and information.

  • Your name or company name on a thank-you placard displayed at any meetings where possible for one year.

  • Your name or company name on our website for one year.



  • A table at one of our meetings where you can display and hand out literature (excludes fundraisers).*

  • A b&w, full page ad in our 2016-2017 Houston Chapter Directory with your company name/logo/art and information.

  • Your name or company name on a thank-you placard displayed at any meetings where possible for one year.

  • Your name or company name on our website for one year.



  • A b&w, full page ad in our 2016-2017 Houston Chapter Directory.

  • Your name on a thank-you placard displayed at any meetings where possible for one year.



  • A b&w, half page ad in our 2016-2017 Houston Chapter Directory.

  • Your name on a thank-you placard displayed at any meeting where possible for one year.




Would your company like an opportunity to reach out to our culinary members? We are also accepting corporate underwriting.



If you would like a table at our September meeting, you will want to signup now. 


The deadline for all underwriters who wish to be in the directory is September 21st.


*The September and June meetings are usually very well attended.




















The Houston chapter of LDEI, chartered in 1994, presently has 40 members who actively support programming related to culinary education and philanthropy in the area.

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